BEC / December / 2013 - page 76

my hometown.” Rather than
spending time on the interna-
tional market, Jablonsky, Ast
& Partners works primarily
in Canada, especially Toron-
to. The reason? Paul wants a
strong, focused company.
“If you keep on expanding
you will eventually lose track
of what you are doing. I would
like to have it concentrated
here in one spot and make
sure that what we do, we do
well and we fulfill our plans.
Better [that] than to expand
from one town to another
and another and then eventu-
ally completely lose control of
what you’re doing.”
That being said, Paul is thank-
ful for Canada’s relaxed im-
migration policy. Without it,
he wouldn’t have the skilled
labor necessary to maintain
such an effective company.
“For some reason Canadian
kids don’t like engineering.
But we are blessed by the fact
that we have plenty of im-
migration coming here from
the Far East such as China,
Pakistan, or India, and they
are qualified people with ex-
cellent backgrounds in engi-
neering and drafting and what
have you. We have been re-
plenishing our need for skilled
labor solely on immigrants
coming to this country… [Our
growth] is propagated by the
huge influx of foreign immi-
grants to this town.”
In a major city like Toronto, it
is important to stay one step
ahead of the game. How does
he do that? It’s simple, “you
keep a tab on what you are
business elite canada
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