BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 83

data and identified that newer survey
techniques and a higher resolution ap-
proach was required to delineate and
understand the geophysical anoma-
In essence, Aurora looked at data
without any inference to historical
expectation of the body shape, and
applied a geophysical survey called
“compensative coupled resistivity sur-
vey” that isn’t traditionally used in di-
amond exploration. This garnered the
high-resolution data from which the
team was able to delineate three kim-
berlite bodies that were significantly
larger in size, says White. “This year,
we will continue to support Kennady
Diamonds as they move towards turn-
ing their deposit into a mine.” In fact,
Aurora Geosciences will continue to
be very active in the Yukon, with dia-
mond exploration in the NWT remain-
ing its flagship commodity.
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