BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 75

1 and 3 drivers, equipment operators,
summer students, and apprentices.
Additionally, the highway will mean
years of employment, long-term and
permanent jobs. Residents of Tuk-
toyaktuk will benefit from a reduced
cost of living (approximately $1.5 mil-
lion in savings), as goods will be able
to be shipped year-round. Opportuni-
ties for family, social, recreational and
sporting interactions will increase, and
residents will have improved access to
health care, educational and econom-
ic opportunities.
The $300-million road will cross a roll-
ing landscape of tundra and lakes with
many stream crossings and bridges.
"It's in terrain that's not mirrored any-
where else in the world. It’s challeng-
ing and it's difficult,” says McLeod,
adding “It meanders throughout the
tundra and tree line and above the
tree line onto the arctic plateau. Trav-
ellers will experience three distinct to-
pography and geophysical areas.”
The Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway is the
beginning of a new era for Canada’s
North, says McLeod. “It’s a project we
are very proud of, because it means
more opportunities for our Northern
Photo Credit - Government of the Northwest Territories
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