BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 69

By Anna Guy
t noon on November 15, 2017,
132 years and 8 days after
the Last Spike was driven
into the Canadian Pacific Railway,
the opening of the Inuvik-Tuktoyak-
tuk Highway, adding to the “nebulous
dream” of connecting Canada sea to
sea…to sea.
The Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk highway con-
nects us, the rest of Canada, to the
Beaufort Sea, and the people of Tuk-
toyaktuk. The $300-million project
took four years, and a great amount
of community involvement, to com-
plete. Governor General Julie Payette,
on hand for the opening, said, "This is
not just the construction of a road—
business elite canada 69
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