BEC / FEB / 2018 - page 61

network and was a significant force
behind construction of the Trans-Can-
ada Highway.
Now in its second century, TAC has
always promoted the importance of
efficient and effective transporta-
tion, which it articulates in its vision
of “Transportation that makes Canada
safe, healthy and prosperous.”
Today, Canada has over one million ki-
lometres of road, and 20 million cars,
750,000 medium and heavy trucks, as
well as buses, motorcycles, bicycles,
and pedestrians. The work done by
TAC to address critical and emerg-
ing issues in the transportation sec-
tor, and develop technical guidelines
to support its members who plan, de-
sign, construct, manage, operate and
maintain road, highway and urban
transportation infrastructure systems
and services, helps keep us safe and
makes a significant contribution to
the economy in this country.
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