search and the state of practice in the
industry,” says Wells.
One such topic is the changing face
of automobiles. “It is interesting to re-
flect that TAC’s origins were in a time,
about a century ago, when the coun-
try needed to be ready for the revo-
lution in transportation that was the
automobile. One hundred years later,
we’re on the cusp of another revolu-
tion in transportation and mobility
that will be driven again by chang-
ing technology. Transportation pro-
fessionals have always been innova-
tive and taken advantage of the latest
technology to do their work, but we
are really seeing a revolution hap-
pening in the industry now, which is
an exciting and challenging focus for
TAC members.”
Wells says that innovation and tech-
nological developments may have
potentially profound impacts on de-
mand for, and construction, opera-
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