Despite great geographic and social
diversity, TAC is able to serve its mem-
bers to meet, to work together, to col-
laborate and communicate on shared
“It’s true that Canada is both blessed
and challenged with vast amounts of
land, diverse geography and charac-
teristics of different regions, however,
it’s also remarkable how much com-
mon ground exists when people come
together to share perspectives and
experiences,” says TAC Executive Di-
rector, Sarah Wells.
TAC convenes two major events every
year, one in the spring, and another in
the fall at locations that alternate be-
tween the east and west each year. “In
conjunction with our conference and
exhibition, which is the largest annual
transportation-focussed conference
in Canada, over the course of several
days, 1,000 or more experts gather
to learn and debate leading-edge re-
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