it has meaning," she told the crowd.
The highway will have a “permanent
impact” on life in the north, and is al-
ready precipitating increased tourism,
and resource development simply by
its existence. Tourism is projected to
increase by $2.7 million annually, cre-
ating 22 full-time equivalent jobs in
the NWT, and strengthening and ex-
panding Inuvik’s role as regional com-
mercial and business hub.
The road is “nation building” says
Kevin McLeod, project manager and
N.W.T.'s director of highways. “The
highway represents three important
pillars in terms of Canada and its place
in on the world stage,” says McLeod.
“First and foremost, are following a
human trait of connecting communi-
ties,” says McLeod, noting the year-
round, all-weather road to connect an
70 business elite canada