Page 16 - BEC / FEB / 2022
P. 16
An Auxiliary Power Supply (APS) Installed by Tarquti Energy.
The unit houses the electronics and equipment needed to
store the wind data collected by the 60m mast installed in the
Kuujjuaq area. (Photo Credit: William Tagoona - Makivik Corporation)
political actions are based on teamwork and I Over the last year the weekly executive meetings
greatly value everybody’s contribution.” have been re-established, allowing the Makivik
Executive and Senior Managers an opportunity to
COLLABORATION provide updates to, and discuss key files. Using an
action tracking system that was put in place, this
One of Aatami’s earliest priorities in 2021 was forum ensures that Makivik’s goals are being met
ensuring effective collaboration at the executive and tracked. “This is what successful collaboration
level. Just weeks into his term, the executive team at the corporate level is for me, ensuring that there
and the senior managers had held numerous is open dialogue between key players, and ensuring
strategy meetings establishing Makivik’s priority that we have the tools in place to measure and track
items and establishing actions on how these files our actions,” says Aatami.
would be carried out by the corporation.