Page 46 - BEC / FEB / 2022
P. 46

I came to labour as a hotel worker, and learned early   Q: What are some important milestones achieved

        on that immigrant workers needed to stand together      by the Council that still positively impact members

        for dignity and decent conditions in the hospitality    today?
        sector. As a larger proportion of the workforce is      A: We have always been about shared prosperity.

        now in frontline service jobs, that experience helps    In its earliest decades, the Labour Council built
        guide my leadership.                                    campaigns for employment standards, sanitary

                                                                conditions, limitation of working hours, and equal

        Over the last two years, we have witnessed              pay for women. It also called for public ownership
        the unequal impacts of the pandemic on these            of essential infrastructure and the creation of the

        industries and on the daily lives of workers and their   publicly-owned Toronto Transit Commission, which
        families. Our Labour Council community recognizes       turned one hundred years old this year. Many of

        that some of us are hurting worse than others, and      the benefits Canadians take for granted—public

        that the pandemic recovery is going to take all of us.   healthcare, old age pensions, social services, and
        The Labour Council and workers across Toronto and       paid maternity leave—were the product of workplace

        York Region are rising up for a just recovery to come   victories that were then turned into public programs

        out of this pandemic stronger than before.              for all. The Labour Council continues to fight for

  Historical Labour Day Ironworkers.

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