sign for the package. The delivery person
might leave a notification stating that the
package must be collected at a possibly
inconvenient location. They also might just
leave the parcel unattended on the front
porch or doorstep, said Møller Nielsen.
“If you buy things online you really do
not want them lying around on the porch
because there is a risk of theft or (bad)
weather (harming the package). You never
know what will happen to what you have
just spent all your hard-earned money on.
You do not want the risk of it being ruined
or stolen,” he said.
“Penguin Pick-Up is solving that problem,”
he continued. “We take care of (your pack-
age). We have people to receive whatever
you buy online, we receive it on your be-
half, and whenever it is convenient for you,
you just come to (your preferred location),
you verify you are the right person, and we
bring everything for you to the car.”
The drive-through service is fast, easy and
convenient. From the time a customer ar-
rives at the pick-up location to the time they
leave, it takes Penguin Pick-Up staff less
than 90 seconds to deliver packages to the
customer’s vehicle. To make the verifica-
JULY 2015
business elite canada 103