BEC / July / 2015 - page 97

markable,” Novais said. “We haven’t seen
a speaker who was able to resonate with
an audience the way Chris Hadfield has.
All said and done, he was such a down-to-
earth — pardon the pun — kind of person.
He wanted to meet everyone and sign all
their books … it was definitely a pleasure
to work with Colonel Hadfield.”
The next event scheduled for 2015 is The
Art of Leadership in Calgary on Sept. 11,
which will move on to Vancouver on Sept.
14. The conference returns to Toronto on
Nov. 17 with varying guest speakers in-
cluding Tom Peters, one of the most influ-
ential business thinkers of all time; John
Mackey, co-founder and CEO of Whole
Foods Market; Captain Richard Phillips, in-
spiration for the movie “Captain Phillips”;
Amy Cuddy, author and associate profes-
sor at the Harvard Business School; Mar-
shall Goldsmith, world-renowned leader-
ship expert; and Canadian astronaut Chris
Hadfield. Ticket choices include a General,
VIP or Platinum pass, and range in price
from $499 to $899.
Conferences are held in major cities across
JULY 2015
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