tralization of molecular targets in disease.
Their products are sold to customers
worldwide with approximately 70 percent
of their distribution going to the United
States and the remainder being sent to Eu-
rope. Their clients are varied — scientists
from universities, research institutions,
hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and
contract research organizations (CROs) —
and they rely on the antibodies produced
by Anogen to conduct groundbreaking life
science research.
Antibodies are essential in the treatment
of disease. Some can cure diseases
caused by invading microorganisms or ab-
normally increased mediators produced
during inflammatory responses by block-
ing the protein function; others are able to
identify cancer cells and differentiate them
“Anogen’s strategy is two-fold: provide immunity against the initial disease and
create a therapy that can neutralize the body’s exaggerated immune response. Not
only is this important in the case of infectious diseases, but it is also instrumental
in responding to a situation like a bioterrorist attack.” Dr. George Q. Ye, Founder
JULY 2015
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