Just as important as elegant care is inno-
vation. CalaCare has embraced state-of-
the-art technology as a means of enhanc-
ing quality of life, increasing independence
and easing families’ concerns. Kazmaier
has successfully integrated online solu-
tions into home care with tools like the
Family Portal, which allows families to log
in and view GPS timecards, care logs and
communicate with their CalaCare care
The Claris Companion is similar to a tablet
and helps clients remember to take medi-
cation, manage treatments and check in
with caregivers. Other devices like the
Cookstop fire prevention tool, peephole
viewers for doors, GPS shoes and ID tags
containing life-saving information are help-
ing seniors maintain a safer level of inde-
Eventually, Kazmaier would like to see
CalaCare spread out across Canada. The
demand is only going to grow as the fed-
eral government pushes for more and
more aging Canadians to remain at home
as long as possible. She would also like
to see regulations allow people to choose
how they spend their home care dollars in-
stead of limiting coverage to the publicly
funded model. “I think one of the biggest
reasons I do what I do is that the culture of
our health-care system just disagrees with
me in some way,” she said. “I don’t like the
way that it’s always ‘this is what you get
and this is when you get it’ … the culture
is not truly patient-centred. It’s not really
about how everyone is different and what
matters to them and their quality of life is
really the only priority.”
At age 30, Kazmaier already can’t imagine
running any other type of business. “I re-
ally believe in our model. Obviously provid-
ing care across Canada, we want to grow
slowly and sustainably and make sure the
quality of care isn’t compromised along
the way. There’s just so much opportunity
to continue to grow and make things bet-
To learn more about CalaCare and their
range of home care services, visit www.
JULY 2015
business elite canada 85