peutic and diagnostic agents used in the
fight against a range of diseases, including
inflammation, autoimmune disorders, car-
diovascular diseases and cancer. The anti-
bodies they develop are known as “mis-
siles” because they aim for specific target
molecules produced by invading patho-
gens, cancer cells or host cells during se-
vere inflammatory responses. The anti-
body tracks the “target,” allowing it to be
detected during diagnosis or neutralized in
cases where it would cause disease.
Founded by Dr. George Q. Ye in the Unit-
ed States in 1988, the company was relo-
cated to Mississauga in the following year
where they still maintain their main office
and research lab. Today, they also have of-
fices in Orlando, Florida and Shanghai, Chi-
na, and another research facility in Xuzhou,
Jiangsu Province, China. Antibodies are a
vital part of the health sciences industry,
and Dr. Ye has dedicated his work to the
development of a broader range of novel
antibodies aimed at the detection and neu-
88 business elite canada
JULY 2015