BEC / July / 2015 - page 76

Q: What are the drivers of omni-chan-
A: With so much access at their finger-
tips at any moment, consumers are highly
knowledgeable, demanding and more en-
gaged with their favourite brands. Cus-
tomers want their favorite brands to not
only know who they are, but they also
want these brands to show them that they
know them at every engagement point.
They don’t want to receive marketing of-
fers of products they will never be inter-
ested in, and they want customer support
to know what they purchased, when they
purchased and what they will likely pur-
chase next, Goral said.
Q: What are the technology implica-
tions of building an omni-channel ex-
A: “To successfully design and build omni-
channel experiences, there are many back-
end considerations. For example, we like
to start with reviewing the systems or ap-
plications clients currently have in place.
Are they up for withdrawal soon?Will they
need to be upgraded? Can we build on
top of their existing platform? What are
the best of breed solutions that can talk to
these systems? How will data flow from
76 business elite canada
JULY 2015
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