By Cheryl Long
ome information technology (IT)
companies are strictly about the
problem. They diagnose it, suggest
ways to fix it and offer follow-up if or when
things go wrong. TechBlocks, headquar-
tered in Vaughan, Ontario, takes a different
approach. It’s less about a specific prob-
lem or challenge and more about the cus-
tomer … and their customers. It’s a unique
approach, and one that is spelling success
for a company that describes itself as hav-
ing a small footprint but big impact.
Business Elite Canada spoke recently with
TechBlocks founder Prashant Kumar, also
known as El Capitan and Peter Goral, AKA
The Artist. The catchy titles are part of the
company’s stylish web site, but they also
take a more serious note with a mission
JULY 2015
business elite canada 69