attending trade shows and exhibitions,
such as the recent energy sector exhibi-
tion show, Global Petroleum Show, held in
June in Calgary and the wearable technol-
ogy event, Make Fashion – Wear Technol-
ogy, in March. He noted that the company
has also received a lot of positive word-
of-mouth marketing and “those have been
our best promoters”.
“We have been fortunate or lucky that
usually when we have shown our demon-
strator units to organizations and people at
trade shows and at different events, they
immediately identify the benefits of those
systems for their operations,” said Dr.
Ramirez-Serrano. “We do not really have
to educate the customers or the users on
our systems. They have been able to iden-
tify the effectiveness and the user friendli-
ness of the proposed systems to accom-
modate and solve their needs.”
As the devices are intended to be used in
a variety of scenarios, they are fully scal-
able, which Dr. Ramirez-Serrano noted is
another distinguishing factor of 4Front Ro-
botics’ drones.
64 business elite canada
JULY 2015