we interact with the world, ease of infor-
mation and information delivery.” Mobility
is a primary game changer, and statistics
show that four out of five North Americans
prefer to shop online, Kumar said. Mobile
users are exceeding their desktop coun-
terparts and that means mobile-friendly
applications are more important than ever
The Internet of Things is another area that
is growing rapidly, he said, and consum-
ers are attracted to intuitive ease of use
of these products. For example, the In-
ternet of Things through voice-activated
devices allows you to turn on the lights in
the house before you arrive home or reads
your emails out loud during the evening
commute; voice-activated devices are part
of a future that’s just around the corner. Fi-
nally, cloud-based computing continues to
grow in popularity and reliability, providing
companies with options for lowering over-
head and increasing flexibility.
Q: What are the common challenges
facing companies that want to trans-
form their organizations?
A: Embracing the culture of innovation and
out-of-the-box creativity, and designing
74 business elite canada
JULY 2015