with a new product or service, the more
successful they will be.
Q: How do you ensure success for your
A: By utilizing a performance-based de-
livery process, TechBlocks is able to align
their own strategies with the goals of their
clients and increase the odds of success.
They begin with research and strategy, im-
mersing themselves in the client’s prob-
lem to identify insights and opportunities.
Building and then delivering a solution is
followed by a thorough review. Tools to
measure performance and accountability
are used to optimize the customer’s expe-
rience. It’s the way TechBlocks helps their
customers become agile, Goral said.
Q:Who are your typical clients?
A:Mid-market and SMB (small andmedium
businesses). Their list of success stories
includes a number of well-known names
including Workopolis, Koodo, Just Energy,
Telus, Colliers International, SmartCentres
and Thomson Carswell, among others.
Q: What are the most important trends
you see in the IT marketplace?
A: “The way technology is changing, how
JULY 2015
business elite canada 73