BEC / July / 2015 - page 72

plained. “We treat them as partners. We
share accountability and responsibility of
their goals by understanding their visions
and KPIs (key performance indicators).”
The TechBlocks team has also helped their
company stand out among its peers, and
build a strong reputation among their cus-
tomers. “We owe our success mostly to
the most valuable assets that we have —
our people and our cultural values,” Kumar
said. “They’re our keys to success. We
bring in the right people with the right val-
Q: How do you stand out from your
A: It’s a result of being true business part-
ners and not simply IT consultants. “We
are a professional services firm; we do ap-
plication development, technical strategy,
managed services … we’re very obsessed
with our customer first policy. It comes
out at every stage and in every conversa-
tion,” Goral explained. They work with each
client using a customized plan designed to
bring their go-to-market requirements and
strategy to fruition. Competition is fierce
and the faster companies can go to market
72 business elite canada
JULY 2015
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