BEC / July / 2015 - page 65

“The price of the drone is based on the
size of the drone and the different options
that we can add or remove – it completely
depends on the needs of the clients,” he
said. “They (can also be customizable).
We have some systems that could satisfy
a number of needs, but we can easily cus-
tomize specific requirements because the
designs are really modular.”
The cost of the units ranges from $40,000
for smaller battery-operated machines to
large engine-powered machines for up to
A challenge for UAVmanufacturers is work-
ing within the regulations set by Transport
Canada regarding drones. No vehicles un-
der 25 kilograms can be flown above 400
feet. Another limitation is that UAVs can-
not be flown beyond the operator’s line
of sight. “In terms of regulations, that is
something that we are going to have to
overcome in order to push the industry
a little bit forward, a little faster, because
there are many cases where companies
and people would like and need to fly be-
JULY 2015
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