BEC / July / 2015 - page 61

at Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) in
Mexico. In 2000, he received his doctor-
ate degree in mechanical and manufactur-
ing engineering in Toronto.
After being employed in a few interna-
tional jobs in the field, Dr. Ramirez-Serra-
no headed back to Canada to work as a
professor at the University of Calgary,
Schulich School of Engineering, Depart-
ment of Mechanical and Manufacturing.
He is also the founder and director of the
Autonomous Reconfigurable/Robotic Sys-
tems Laboratory (AR2S-Lab). The labora-
tory performs research and development
in the areas of unconventional UGVs and
UAVs, reconfigurable intelligent mobile ro-
botic systems, swarm robotics, intelligent
control for UAVs, and civil applications of
mobile robotics.
Dr. Ramirez-Serrano said that his past ex-
perience and his vision to develop robots
to solve a number of current problems
faced in a number of areas led him to start
his own company. “When I was conduct-
ing research in different robotic systems
and devices targeted to help people in
homes and industry at ABB Corporate Re-
search (a research centre in Sweden) and
then at the university, there were a num-
ber of individuals and organizations identi-
fying some of the (devices) that we were
developing as potential commercial items
that could be developed for the consumer
JULY 2015
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