BEC / July / 2015 - page 51

JULY 2015
business elite canada 51
They also offer products and services by
well-known companies such as Kenwood,
Icom and Vertex Standard.
Another important partnership for Christie
Walther is its long-standing relationship
with Motorola. Not only are they are the
largest independent authorized Motorola
sales and service facility in Canada, but in
2013 the company was named the Motor-
ola Canadian Channel Partner of the Year.
This February, they received the presti-
gious Motorola Solutions Empower Circle
Award for Customer Excellence, ranking
Christie Walther in the top 50 of Motoro-
la Solutions’ 7,500 global partners and, to
date, the only Canadian dealer to receive
the award, Hickey said.
The award was a result of the work Chris-
tie Walther had been doing since 2012 to
introduce Motorola’s next generation digi-
tal technology. PushPlus is a 29-site Digital
Connect Plus network that covers Eastern
Ontario and western Quebec, and is also
the largest single operator-owned Con-
nect Plus network in Canada. It comes
with a digital suite of services, including
private conversation, emergency alarm
messaging, noise cancelling capabilities,
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