BEC / July / 2015 - page 48

48 business elite canada
JULY 2015
Christie Walther Communications special-
izes in two-way voice and data solutions,
including satellite phones, mobile com-
munications equipment and accessories,
turnkey and mobile computing options,
wireless pagers, and two-way radio sales
and service. With offices located in Ot-
tawa, Kingston, Cornwall and Gatineau,
they offer a coverage area for their digital
Connect Plus two-way radio network ex-
tending from Eastern Ontario to western
Quebec. Other products, including pagers,
mobile computing and satellite, service all
of Canada.
The bulk of their enterprise communica-
tions customers come from various de-
partments in the federal government, Hick-
ey said, followed by public works, police
and fire departments run by municipalities,
and public or private sector companies in
transportation, construction and waste
management, companies that typically op-
erate fleets of vehicles.
Digital technology has transformed two-
way radio communication, allowing the ra-
dio and its infrastructure to be integrated
Christie Walther Communications accepts the BOBs award.
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