JULY 2015
business elite canada 45
“We’re just trying to connect; to take that
farmers’ market feel to a different level,”
Elysia said. “There’s a growing divide be-
tween rural and urban living right now, and
we want to let people experience the sto-
ry behind their food.”
Not only isThree Farmers passionate about
the beneficial qualities of camelina oil, but
they also feel strongly about value-added
agriculture and the variety of
crops grown in Saskatchewan.
Their latest venture involves
chickpeas, of which more than
90 percent of Canada’s crop is
grown in the prairie province,
Elysia said. Also considered
nut- and gluten-free, the versa-
tile legume is popular in ethnic
cooking but is also showing up as a nutri-
tious snack food. Three Farmers jumped
into the salty snack food market last Sep-
tember with two flavours: barbecue and
balsamic & cracked pepper, which were
soon followed by sea salt & lime. This fall,
they plan to go to market with new, sweet-
er flavours. The roasted chickpeas were an
immediate hit, Elysia said.
All of the Three Farmers products are not
only bringing success to the company but
reaffirming their long-term vision — to pro-
vide healthy, natural grocery products that
add value to Saskatchewan’s agricultural
sector. As they continue to evolve and ex-
tend their product lines, the company aims
to incorporate other crops grown in their
home province and contract out to other
farmers who want to be a part of their in-
novative movement.
“The long-term goal is to grow the line and
ultimately be known to other distributors
and clients as a trusted producer of healthy
and natural and delicious foods.”
Discover Three Farmers and their line of
products by visiting threefarmers.ca.