The contract no longer fit within our pa-
rameters for profitable growth. This was
also the case when we left the offshore
catering business,” Babin said.
Like any successful organization, Blue
Water Group has made investments in
technology as another means of staying
innovative. In 2005, they adopted a new
SAP financial and managerial accounting
system and later added inventory plan-
ning software to their operations. A new
customer portal interface being tested in
their Edmonton office allows customers
to enter their own orders online, cutting
down on mistakes and allowing staff to be
moved into other areas of the business.
It’s part of the company’s philosophy of
continuous procedural improvement that
puts an emphasis on customer satisfac-
“The nature of the marine and offshore
industries is such that our company must
pay particular attention to the urgency of
the needs of the customer,” Babin said.
“This sense of urgency is what has al-
lowed Blue Water to excel in all of its lines
of business.”
To learn more, visit
JULY 2015
business elite canada 37