BEC / July / 2015 - page 30

company runs several lines of business
from seven locations across Canada.
Not only did they recently celebrate their
anniversary, but this year Deloitte
announced that Blue Water Group was
among Canada’s Best Managed Compa-
nies for 2014.
David Babin, Blue Water Group’s Senior
Vice President, joined the company in 2001
after a 20-year career as a Sea Logistics
Officer with the Royal Canadian Navy. That
experience has been invaluable in his role
with Atlantic Canada’s largest ship chan-
dler, which supplies goods and services to
ships docking in Montreal, the northeast-
ern United States and all of Canada’s east-
ern ports. They also operate a sufferance
warehouse that allows products to be de-
livered from countries outside of Canada
and be held duty- and tax-free until they
can be transferred to the ship upon arrival.
The move from chandler to lubricant dis-
tributor wasn’t a huge leap for the compa-
ny since so many of their marine custom-
ers were in need of heavy-duty lubricants
in their day-to-day operations. Blue Water
Group is the largest independent distribu-
tor of Mobil Lubricants in Canada, includ-
“We have effectively managed to grow our logistics business by offering excess
capacity to clientele at a price that reflected synergies in our systems.”
David Babin, Senior Vice President
30 business elite canada
JULY 2015
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