be achieved when two businesses come
together to help each other and, in turn,
the people that they serve.
) now of-
fers their martial arts programs at Wynn's
downtown Toronto and Mississauga loca-
tions. Though the two businesses are sep-
arate entities, having both in one location
offers even more choice to clients.
One partnership soon led to another and
in late 2014, Twist Fitness & Condition-
ing franchises moved into available space
in Wynn Fitness locations in Mississauga
and Richmond Hill. Each conditioning cen-
tre, which goes by the philosophy that
everyone is an athlete, combines proper
programming, motivation and coaching to
help their clients reach their health, fitness
and performance goals. While some of
their customers are professional athletes
— some travel from around the world to
train under the Twist program — they also
coach children (the youngest client is sev-
en), active adults, weekend warriors and
seniors. The only prerequisite is a desire to
be active and feel better.
Scott Atkins is area manager for Twist Fit-
ness & Conditioning (,
including the original location in Burling-
ton, Ontario. Based on the three pillars of
movement, strength and balance, Atkins
said Twist conditioning programs are all
overseen by coaches who have post-sec-
24 business elite canada
JULY 2015