BEC / July / 2015 - page 19

Owning the property locations is just one
of the features that makes Wynn Fitness
unique among other clubs, helping to as-
sure customers that they aren’t a “fly
by night” organization, Lanz explained.
“The owners are much more vested with
owning the real estate at the same time.
There’s a sense of security and longevity
versus a lot of other companies that have
come and gone,” he said.
Wynn Fitness is focused on customiz-
ing their programs and services to meet
their customers’ needs. That begins with
a three-step orientation program (most
clubs offer a one-step introduction, Lanz
said) called WynnMap that includes three
complimentary hours of one-on-one coach-
ing, instruction and guidance during the
first 30 days. The program aims to reduce
the number of people who give up their fit-
ness goals after a short period of time by
dealing with the main factors that cause
people to quit: fear of the unknown, feel-
ing self-conscious and not knowing the ba-
sic fundamentals of how to exercise.
“Essentially, it’s based on the theory that it
takes 21 days to create a new habit,” Lanz
said. If a new client can get through the
JULY 2015
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