show in partnership with Forces Comedy
Tour. They also receive corporate dona-
tions and support.
“We will be working with Via Rail in July,”
said Lowrie. “Their CEOs and some of their
executives have been buying boots. Basi-
cally, (the event) is called “Boots in Suits”
and what they do is they take a picture of
them in their atmosphere of where they
work and it shows their support for our Ca-
nadian military and first responders.”
The other method is through the sale of
boots and other apparel to the public. The
boots come in first responder black and
military tan and cost between $120 and
$170. The boots, T-shirts, and hats can be
purchased online at
“Combat boots are standard in the armed forces community; they’re a recognized
marker of military service around the world. Pair them with a suit or a skirt or
a cocktail dress, and the contrast in fashion is an instant attention-getter.”
JULY 2015
business elite canada 13