bers are more likely to commit to their fit-
ness goals and achieve results. There’s no
overcrowding, lineups or sign-up sheets;
instead, clients enjoy a luxurious atmo-
sphere with exemplary customer service,
state-of-the-art equipment and a “part of
the family” feeling.
The budget-style fitness club is part of a
“race to the bottom”, Lanz said. “We can’t
operate a business based on that prem-
ise,” he explained. Fortunately, there will
always be a core group of fitness enthusi-
asts who want more than the most basic of
shower facilities and exercise equipment,
not to mention minimal customer service.
“They’re still looking for quality and that’s
really our strategy.”
Forging partnerships is another successful
component to the Wynn Fitness business
strategy. Even the most successful clubs
will have times when there are no group
classes running or few people are using
the equipment and facilities. While looking
for ways to generate additional revenue,
Markus Lanz, CEO of Wynn Fitness and EMA Founder and Head Instructor Dan Novak
22 business elite canada
JULY 2015