all business units — a sense of urgency, a
“can do” attitude and 24/7 customer ser-
vice mentality.
Warehousing and logistics is another core
part of Blue Water Group. The majority of
those services are aimed at Canada’s off-
shore oil and gas industry, notably compa-
nies like ExxonMobil, Encana and Shell for
their drilling and production projects. This
fall, they will be providing warehousing and
yard services to ExxonMobil in Newfound-
land for the Hibernia and Hebron projects.
“We have effectively managed to grow
our logistics business by offering excess
capacity to clientele at a price that reflect-
ed synergies in our systems,” Babin said.
“For example, our trucks were able to drop
off ExxonMobil plant parts in Goldboro and
Point Tupper, Nova Scotia on the way to
making deliveries to Sydney. As another
example, we were able to utilize excess
warehouse capacity to satisfy ExxonMobil
materials and then use excess yard and
dock space to satisfy Encana and Shell at
prices that are beneficial to both parties.”
The final piece to the current business
profile fell into place with the purchase of
32 business elite canada
JULY 2015