BEC / July / 2015 - page 35

through the company and make sure that
everybody understands the next person’s
role and responsibility. Without our em-
ployees we’re not going to go anywhere.”
Long-term strategy plays a vital role in
Blue Water Group’s ability to maintain a
high level of competitiveness. Process
improvements are an ongoing priority and
there are plans to grow the warehousing
and offshore operations and explore geo-
graphic markets that would support the
expansion of the company’s ship chan-
dlery business. More seasonal work like
marine waste disposal and home heating
fuel distribution provide valuable support
during slower times.
“We believe our competitive advantage
is our discipline. If something does not fit
within the five elements of our long-term
strategy, we don’t do it,” Babin explained.
“The company focuses on continuous
improvement and customer service. We
regularly review who we are and what we
That can mean removing business lines
that may have initially fit well into the di-
versification plan but no longer factor into
the long-range strategy. “For example, we
use to perform port coordination services
for the Canadian Navy from 1999 to 2014.
JULY 2015
business elite canada 35
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