BEC / July / 2015 - page 26

program that works to give back to their
local communities. Their volunteer work
and donations have benefited a number
of charitable organizations over the years,
including the Salvation Army, the Heart &
Stroke Foundation of Canada, Habitat for
Humanity, the Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation and the North York Harvest
Food Bank. Whether they’re bringing non-
perishable food items to company meet-
ings, collecting backpacks for schoolchil-
dren or helping to build a home, the Wynn
team is dedicated to supporting the people
in their communities.
The future is bright for Wynn Fitness.
Plans are underway to build a new
20,000-square-foot signatureWynn club in
Toronto’s Dupont Street and Spadina Road
area in a space that currently houses the
head office for the Wynn Group of Com-
panies. They’d like to see another three
to five locations open in the GTA over the
next five years, Lanz said, and there are
additional projects being planned for the
Caribbean that would incorporate a Wynn
26 business elite canada
JULY 2015
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