The American project gained the atten-
tion of Fredericton, NB-native Scott Roach,
who served for four years in the Canadian
military. Roach, with the support of the
American campaign organizers, brought
the charity to Canada and he now sits on
the Board of Directors. Boot Campaign
Canada (BCC) is separate from the U.S.
project, and all the funds go towards Ca-
nadian military and first responders, said
As a registered Canadian charity, Boot
Campaign Canada channels all of their prof-
its into their own assistance initiatives. For
their #SickNotWeak alternative therapies
program, BCC works with Can Praxis, an
equine PTSD therapy program located in
Calgary. They have sent six RCMP officers
and their spouses to Can Praxis to assist
them with conflict resolution while work-
ing with horses.
BCC is also developing a therapy program
that uses Warrior Yoga, which is a form of
meditation based on the principles and
concepts of martial arts. Lowrie noted that
moving forward they also hope to work
with Paws Fur Thought, based in Nova
Scotia, in the near future to get service
dogs for first responders and returning
military in need.“That is the three-pronged
approach for our mental health (assistance
programs),” Lowrie said.
For their #StillStanding program, the char-
ity works with the Royal Canadian Legion’s
Ontario Command to donate military boots
to “military in transition” – veterans living
JULY 2015
business elite canada 11