BEC / July / 2015 - page 50

50 business elite canada
JULY 2015
into the company’s overall communica-
tions system, he explained. Today’s ad-
vanced equipment allows for one-on-one
or group calls, GPS tracking, and status
or productivity reports. In a manufactur-
ing plant, a digital two-way radio can alert
technical support as soon as a machine
fails or shows an error code. That technol-
ogy has cut response times from a range
of 15 minutes to one hour in the analog
days, to about five minutes today.
“Obviously that saves time and a lot of
productivity for the customer,” Hickey said.
“Migrating to digital allows you to embed
two-way radio as part of the overall enter-
prise communications.”
Another area where the organization is
taking a leadership role is in mobile com-
puting. More transportation and courier
companies are using handheld technol-
ogy to scan and confirm deliveries at the
customer’s location, among other tasks.
Christie Walther has partnered with Zebra
Technologies, which purchased Motorola
Solutions’ Enterprise business in 2014, to
offer several options for advanced mobile
computing that allows users to access
real-time data and maximize productivity.
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