of building and see what it looks like to push
boundaries in architecture.”
Adds the DIALOG team, “The library will
strengthen the fabric of community life by
weaving East Village, the original heart of Cal-
gary, back into the story of Centre City. Plus,
this is the first time in Calgary’s history that an
active LRT line has been encased in an above-
grade development project. We’re pretty
proud to be a part of it.”
Indeed, legacy projects such as this come
about once in a lifetime. On behalf of the
CMLC, Thompson says, “We all feel extremely
privileged to work on this project. This is a
project that I have nurtured for six years and I
am very proud to point out all its details to my
family as they have watched it come together
over the years. This experience will be hard to
This project will be an enduring legacy for Cal-
gary and myself and many others on the team,
will be very proud to open it up for all of Cal-
gary to experience.”