procurement, delivery and installation, up to
the commissioning for their national and in-
ternational clientele. Groupe SCV integrates
mechanical and electrical projects;
carving out a new territory as between design
engineer and the traditional mechanical and
electrical contractor by merging all depart-
ments involved in the process under its roof.
All of this combines to an exhaustive service
for construction-based clients that is greater
than the sum of its parts—a service that allow
clients to build faster and more efficiently: The
Alpha and the Omega in business.
“This approach makes us different from our
competitors,” Groups SCV President Jean-
François Arbour tells Business Elite Canada.
“Our philosophy is ‘Whatever is best for our
customers.’ Simplified and harmonized com-
munications translate to peace of mind for our
clients. This way of undertaking the project
nails down the link between all the different
professionals aboard the venture, decreasing
the risk of cost overrun and deadlines delays.”
Groupe SCV’s work takes the company all over
the world. When we spoke to Arbour, he had
just returned from Paris, France, meeting with
Sonesta Maho Beach Resort – Caraïbes