Under the Public Private Partnership (P3) pro-
gram, Arctic Infrastructure Limited Partnership
(AILP) was commissioned by the Government
of Nunavut to design, build and finance the re-
development of the airport and subsequent-
ly maintain and operate it over the 30-year
operating period. Nunavut Airport Services
Limited (NASL), a wholly owned subsidiary of
WASCO and consortium partner of AILP, is re-
sponsible for the maintenance and operation
of the entire program, which includes the re-
habilitation of the runway and airside system,
new terminal building and new combined ser-
vices building. Commissioned in August 2017,
the award-winning project is just one way
that WASCO supports aviation in
northern Canada.
Although proud of what
has been achieved so far
with the Iqaluit Interna-
tional Airport, particularly
as it relates to Inuit training
and engagement, O’Gorman
knows “there’s so much more to
be done, and so much more that WASCO
can offer to aviation in Nunavut and Canada’s
north beyond Iqaluit.”
With the objective of enhancing aviation in
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