BEC / JULY / 2018 - page 125

ports with WASCO who led the development
and implementation of the revised SMS pro-
gram. “After reviewing their existing system,
we reduced the number of daily forms local
maintainers had to submit from around six to
just one, and then simplified the entire hazard
reporting process”.
Administering and managing the Government
of Nunavut SMS program is a team of profes-
sionals based at the Winnipeg International
Airport. Acting as a centralized dispatch cen-
tre, the SMS team responds to reported haz-
ards and drafts corrective actions for review
and approval by Nunavut Airports Division
Transportation ProgramMangers representing
the four Nunavut airport regions. According
to Lindsey, WASCO’s objective is to focus on
the process of SMS so that airports can focus
on the performance of safety”.
Once corrective actions are approved, the SMS
team tracks their implementation through
daily and weekly communications and for-
mal monthly and quarterly meetings. It is this
documentation and communication that is so
essential to an effective SMS program. Ac-
cording to Lindsey, “airports have more or less
developed a culture of safety over the years
“WASCO’s objective is to
focus on the process of SMS
so that airports can focus on
the performance of safety.”
James Lindsey
Director, Airports with WASCO
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