BEC / JULY / 2018 - page 133

“We need to appreciate the impact of safety
hazards and see the need to fix promptly,” says
Speer. “Since WASCO has stepped up, things
have happened. Teams are more receptive to
receiving those reports and problems get tri-
aged, treated, or assessed promptly. It’s a sys-
tematic way to identify problems then pool
resources to fix them, whereas otherwise all
airports would be operating in isolation. Un-
der this framework, every problem is evaluat-
ed with a safety lens as well, not just economic
or business lens.”
What WASCO is trying to achieve with the
Nunavut SMS solution is not only to satisfy
a regulation but to provide the Government
of Nunavut with the information necessary
to make educated funding decisions on pro-
grams that will provide substantial benefit to
the safety and reliability transportation in the
north. Ultimately, to improve the quality of
life and economic opportunities for northern
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