BEC / JULY / 2018 - page 164

Canada. “EcoStruxure Power is our flexible IoT
platform that integrates multiple data sources
to measure, control and reduce energy usage,
boost equipment performance and optimize
asset usage. It is already in use in Canada and
we are seeing rapid adoption because it is eas-
ily scaled to any size enterprise.”
EcoStruxure Power is part of Schneider Elec-
tric’s EcoStruxure, an open and interoperable
system architecture for buildings, grid, indus-
try, and data centre customers. EcoStrux-
ure brings together the company’s in-
dustry-leading connected products, edge
control, applications, analytics and ser-
vices into one connected and integrated
framework for all areas of the power dis-
tribution and management chains.
It enables organizations to
discover new efficiencies in
their operations.
EcoStruxure Power is organized around three
core layers of technology innovation:
EcoStruxure™ has been deployed in more than
480,000 installations globally, with the sup-
port of more than 20,000 system integrators,
connecting over 1.5 million assets.
“The growing complexity and diversity of criti-
cal data centre environments coupled with re-
duced budget and staff have led to a manage-
ment challenge for data centre professionals,”
said Dave Johnson, Executive Vice President,
IT Division, Schneider Electric.
“The first step in overcoming this challenge is
through a cloud-first management strategy.
EcoStruxure IT provides global access and in-
sights to data centre environments from any-
where, at any time on any device. Bringing this
level of visibility and access to our customers
will enable them to benchmark their entire
IT ecosystem while providing trend analysis,
intelligent maintenance and more, all while
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