Netflix co-founder Marc Randolph is an
avid outdoorsman. He’s not only a moun-
tain guide, he’s also a trustee of the non-
profit National Outdoor Leadership School.
So it’s not without a bit of irony that he
realizes his contribution to coach potatoes
world-wide. It’s Randolph’s love of explor-
ing nature that has guided his extraordinary
business journey, not only with Netflix, but
also as an angel investor. Before Randolph
spoke at the second Audi Innovation Se-
ries, Audi Speaks, we had a chance to ask
Randolph how the two worlds complement
each other.
“It is about taking command of a trail and
not knowing where its going to lead,” he
said. “It’s about telling your group we are
going this way without really understand-
ing exactly how you’re going to get there
with conviction and purpose. It’s also rec-
ognizing that you have to change direc-
tions at times. The parallels are eerie. I’ve
learned more about leadership from being
in the woods than being anywhere else.”
Canada has no limitation on its natural
beauty, and so there should be no limita-
tion on inspiration one can draw from the
sea, mountains, and forest in this country.
Perhaps we could all take a page from Ran-
dolph’s book and set down the remote and
enjoy the great outdoors this summer—
who knows what may come of it.
Anna Guy