BEC / JULY / 2018 - page 91

WBF partners have come to recognize the un-
rivalled level of preparedness that its gradu-
ates come to work with. “A WBF grad walks
onto the job site ready to work with the skills
to succeed, such as work ethic, drive, deter-
mination and resiliency. “And there is also the
bottom line impact of working withWBF,” adds
Kimpton. “We all know the “cost” of turnover.
Hiring and retaining skilled workers is a busi-
ness case every organization understands and
is something that WBF can help address.”
With over 100 corporate partnerships and
close relations with government and post-sec-
ondary institutions, Kimpton says WBF’s part-
nerships “help us fill a training gap that drives
the economy and expand our online and face-
to-face learning options. Our partnerships en-
able us to reach more women, in more ways
and provide more solutions for industry.”
WBF’s next big event is the WORK PROUD
Summit taking place in Edmonton October
2-4, 2018. Trade Perspectives is the theme of
the Summit and the significance of that phrase
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