highlights the current challenges facing indus-
try and governments all across the country.
The Summit will tackle issues that impact how
we do business and what is needed to devel-
op best practices that create workplaces that
meet the challenges of the next generation.
Going forward, Kimpton says her goal for WBF
is a larger impact through growth, specifically
with expansion through B.C., with an eye on
other provinces in the near future.
In closing, Kimpton recalls a student in a WBF
partnership program that just received the
2018 Workforce Development award from the
Construction Owners Association of Alberta.
“She had family that worked in the trades
but until she attended an Information Session
hosted by Women Building Futures, she had
never considered a career like that for herself.
She participated in a program with WBF, the
Northwest Redwater Project, Ironworkers lo-
cal 720 and Insulators 110, graduated and be-
gan working immediately at NWR as an iron-
worker. She felt she was able to tackle issues
with the knowledge and confidence gained
through her training with us. The first time I
met her, I asked her what the WBF opportuni-
ty meant for her. She held up a set of keys and
said ‘This’ to which I responded ‘What?’ The
keys were for her new home – something that
represented economic freedom and stability
for her children. Her new career allowed her
to break the cycle of poverty—forever. This is
the type of story we want to spread across the