BEC / July / 2013 - page 35

JULY 2013
business elite canada
ticides and synthetic fertiliz-
ers. Organic dairy cattle are
fed with various grains that
can consist of hay and a mix-
ture of barley, oats and corn
that are all non GMO, all our
products are GMO and gluten
free and most of them are lac-
tose free.” Bisson said, who
has worked in the beef indus-
try for 11 years, as well as for
other cheese producers for 5
years since joining the team
last year.
Being organic, L’Ancêtre is
considering the environment,
the factory works to know
their carbon emissions, have
installed a waste water treat-
ment and save energy accord-
ing to provincial standards
and more.
As a result, their factory has a
decorated background for their
work. In April, the L’Ancêtre
Cheese Factory won the Ca-
nadian Cheese Grand Prix for
their mild cheddar cheese —
which aged at about three
months. It was their second
such award for their cheddar.
“We [also] won at the Cana-
dian Cheese Grand Prix in
2011 for the medium cheddar
cheese,” Bisson said.
In August 2011, the Cheese
Factory was won an award at
the American Cheese Soci-
ety’s 2011 competition, in the
salted butter category.
At its annual conference, in
October 2012, the CILQ —
Conseil des industriels laitiers,
the province’s dairy industry
organization — presented the
Donat-Roy Award to Germain
Désilets, one of the found-
ers of the Factory. The award
is given to a member of the
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