it is exposed to some very
heavy soiling from road traf-
fic and pollution.”
Three partners committed to
funding this project including
the Federation of Canadian
Municipalities, Better Build-
ing Partnership of the City of
Toronto, and the Toronto At-
mospheric Fund.
He adds, “The funding enti-
ties were primarily interested
in learning the impacts of
pollution on the installations
in an urban environment.”
The second award given to
Carmanah was for the con-
struction of the Jean Canfield
Building in Charlottetown,
Prince Edward Island. Cur-
rently housing the Ministry of
Veteran Affairs, the building
was a unique installation with
its location approximately
800 metres from the shore-
line and subject to occasional
hurricane-type forces.
“We were actively involved
in the base building design
process to make sure that the
host structure would support
our proposed solar design,”
says Wayte.
Wayte credits much of their
success and recognition to
the company’s attention to
detail and their knowledge
of PV system designs. “A lot
of work goes into the design
detail to optimize the per-
formance of a system,” says
Wayte. “Knowledge of the
nuances and idiosyncrasies
of leading technologies, the
impact of mechanical and
electrical design on yield, and
a full comprehension of the
regulatory guidelines associ-
ated with the construction
industry are just a few things
you can only learn with expe-
business elite canada
JULY 2013