The story of the Vancouver Regional Construction Association (VRCA)
is more of history lesson. The unofficial organization can trace its ori-
gins as far back as the 1800s, as a “builder’s exchange”, an informal
gathering of builders and trades people. “It was more of a social club
for members of the construction industry,” explains Jan Robinson, In-
terim President of VRCA. In 1927, contractors got together and decided
they wanted their own association. And so the Building and Construc-
tion Industries Exchange of B.C. (informally known as the Builders’
Exchange) was born. By January 1928, they had 75 members and two
years later, it was incorporated as a society. Surviving two world wars,
members of the association helped build some of Vancouver’s greatest
landmarks such as the Lions Gate Bridge and the Hotel Vancouver.
Robinson says she can just picture what the meetings looked like --
suited men casually smoking cigars and discussing the current state
of affairs of the construction industry. “The first Builders’ Exchange
was based on the idea for owners and contractors to get together to
share information about construction opportunities,” says Robinson.
New members were added in 1966 and the association adopted the
name: the Amalgamated Construction Association of B.C. (ACA), which
by: Sunjay Mathuria
JULY 2013
business elite canada