bec june - page 17

from that to a Prius Hybrid and drove that
for 10 years.”
Wozniak says that whoever dominates
electric car charging machines is going to
win the electric car race. Just as Apple’s
key to success was having both the soft-
ware and the hardware, having that magic
recipe of innovative technology and a us-
er-friendly platform will be what separates
the leader from the pack.
Wozniak is as engaging and easy to talk to as
it gets, and the audience left the Four Sea-
sons that evening feeling inspired and fortu-
nate to listen to one of the most influential
people in the world. With ample stories and
provocative insight into human and techno-
logical integration, Wozniak set the bar high
for future Audi Speakers Forum events.
“I had magic pouring out of me for 10 years.” –Steve Wozniak, of his years
engineering Apple’s first computers.
JUNE 2017
business elite canada 17
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